Un incident malheureux. (get bigger dogs !)

Paco, le Chihuahua n’a pas passé beaucoup de temps en vie dans sa nouvelle demeure à Sitka (Alaska). Les rangers en charge de l’incident déclarent :

« If he’s persistent or wounded, that may change,” Mooney said. “We don’t want the bear to get into a situation where killing dogs becomes part of its routine. »

Ainsi va la vie à proximité des animaux sauvages.

Steve Wells nous gratifie d’un commentaire laconique : « Welcome to Alaska. »

 David Lanson est plus disert et évoque le cas Timothy Treadwell :

 I know people without children get attached to their dogs. I am very sorry for your loss. Didn’t somebody sit her down and explain that this is not Oklahoma. Alaska has a way of helping people realize they are part of the circle and not necessarily the apex. Timothy Treadwell lost his respect for this and it cost he and his girlfriend their lives. Get bigger dogs, much bigger dogs.  Get bigger dogs, much bigger dogs ! 

Un autre commentateur s’étonne aussi que la propriétaire élève des poules —

« She also keeps chickens on the property  seems like they didn’t do much research before moving there lol »

Sandi Smothers Sagerian se prépare en conséquence avant d’émigrer en Alaska :

« My hubby & I are planning to move to Wasilla in July. We have undertaken a study of animal habits & have already planned measures to ensure our dogs (Yorkie & Pug) are protected, including the fact that they will NEVER be allowed out without a leash, or if fenced, being in our directed line of site. We have seen bear sign on the property we purchased and will not be out without a gun (of sufficient caliber). Learn before you move.»

SOURCE : Sitka resident watches helplessly as bear devours dog
by Laurel Andrews, Alaska Dispatch
14 mai 2014